Are you in the midst of planning a spring wedding? Have you considered the pros and cons? Read our article to discover all of the reasons you should, or shouldn’t have your wedding in the spring!

The cold weather is behind us, the flowers are in bloom, and the trees are coming alive. As the temperature rises and we all get that dose of Vitamin D, having a spring wedding may seem like an obvious choice! While there’s no question that wedding or engagement photos in spring will be nothing but marvelous, there are still pros and cons to consider.
Spring Wedding Kick-Off Party
Having a spring wedding or elopement means you’re probably one of the first events of the season. If you’re at “that age” where there’s anywhere from two to ten weddings between your friend group in one summer, it’s safe to say being of the first few weddings will keep morale high! So, if you’re not first, you’re last… right? We’ve all been there; it’s February, and your fridge is already full of wedding invitations. Except they’re all in August, and your summer vacation is instantly booked.

Spring Wedding High Seasons
As long weekends begin to pepper the calendar and an inevitable tourist season creeps upon us, many places you’d be keen to host your wedding will be ramping up for “high season” pricing. Depending on where you live, this change can start as early as April 1st and last until the end of September. If you’re trying to stick within a strict budget, this can absolutely break the bank because high season pricing can double during those peak weekends. Pro Tip: If you don’t want to budge on your wedding season, it may be worth it to look into a mid-week wedding or city hall elopement!
The Spring Flowers, Of Course
The flowers during the season are possibly the number one reason to have a spring wedding. Everything is bright and in bloom, and more often than not, you can get many unique flowers you won’t be able to get any other season. Let’s not forget that April and May are two of the three months when the perennial bridal flower favorite peonies are at their peak. You will also have an endless color palette at your fingertips; think scent heavy lavender and jewel tones, or babies breath with sprigs of fresh eucalyptus!

Gesundheit [ guh-zoont-heyt ]
Ah, yes, allergies. All of these gorgeous, fresh-cut flowers you’ve brought in for the spring wedding of your dreams? They’re making your entire bridal party and guests sneeze. Even if they aren’t an issue for you or your soon-to-be, more than 50 million Americans are affected by seasonal allergies each year. Pro Tip: This can be a stylish moment. Have a monogrammed hanky on each seat for your guests to wipe their drippy eyes and runny noses!

April Showers…
The saying “April showers bring May flowers” is a thing for a reason. Weather in the early months of the year can be unpredictable. While spring is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of the year, there’s just no telling if you’ll have sun or a hail storm. Something to consider is whether your chosen venue has the option of indoor/outdoor ceremony and reception spaces!

In the end, whenever you choose to plan your wedding, it will be beautiful and unique – just like your love story!
Did we miss any essential pros and cons of a spring wedding? We would love to hear from you. Don’t forget to comment below with your spring wedding tips below.